15 Self-Love Book Suggestions

A lot of us put our time and energy into showing love to family and friends - which is great. But sometimes we forget about ourselves and realise that we are lacking the love we give out to others. Sometimes we don’t receive enough love from others and we start relying on people’s approval to determine our self-worth.

There are many ways to fuel and practice self-love - reading inspirational books is one of them! So, here are a list of books you can read to feel the love:

  1. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
  2. The Self-Love Experiment: Fifteen Principles for becoming more kind, compassionate, and accepting of yourself by Shannon Kaiser
  3. Choosing me before we by Christine Arylo
  4. Love your body by Louise Hay
  5. Becoming whole: a healing companion to ease emotional pain and find self-love by Bruce Kehr
  6. Love yourself like your life depends on it by Kamal Rivikant
  7. How to be an imperfectionist: the new way of self-acceptance, fearless living, and freedom from perfectionism by Stephen Guise
  8. Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
  9. Start Where Your Are: a Guide to Compassionate Living by Pema Chodron
  10. The Art of Talking to Yourself: Self-Awareness meets Inner Conversation by Vironika Tugaleva
  11. Loving What Is: Four Questions that can change your life by Byron Katie
  12. Beautiful You: A Daily Guide to Radical Self-Acceptance by Rosie Molinary
  13. This Messy Magnificent Life: a Field Guide by Geneen Roth
  14. I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't): Making the Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough" by Brene Brown
  15. Tears to Triumph: The Spiritual Journey from Suffering to Enlightenment by Marianne Williamson


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